English Consultation

consultationMaybe Dutch is not your native language, but English is. Or you speak another (non-Dutch) language but your English is quite good. Then it can be hard to find a professional psychologist in Arnhem.

I am a fluent English speaker and can give professional treatments in English.

These are the areas for which I could be of help to you:

  • Fear and Anxiety

You are afraid to travel by train, or to go to a busy place in the city. So many things could happen, and you often think in “what if’s”… You find you are starting to avoid certain places. Now is the time to start dealing with this problem, before it will increase.

  • Addictive Behaviour

You don’t really know how it all happened, all you know is that you find yourself drinking or smoking too much, playing videogames or gambling too much. You are unable to reduce it yourself and you find it is now also influencing your work, finances or relationship.

  • AD(H)D

You have received this diagnosis, or you think you might have this as you are very chaotic and your thoughts easily go everywhere. You have problems concentrating or finishing a task you have started. These can be the challenging aspects of AD(H)D. But AD(H)D can also be used to your advantage. With the coaching I provide I will help you tackle the challenges AD(H)D gives you living in this society and I will also help you develop your strengths.

  • Depression

You don’t want to start the day and you can’t enjoy the things you used to enjoy anymore. And if you could choose you wouldn’t even leave your bed in the morning. A lot of people suffer from a depression somewhere during their life. Some people can get through this by themselves, others need help.

  • Burnout

When you’re burned out, problems seem insurmountable, everything looks bleak, and it’s difficult to muster up the energy to care—let alone do something about your situation. You can feel extremely tired or disillusioned. How have you reached this point? Together we will look at your situation and then slowly see how you can start filling up your empty bucket again.

  • Other Issues

If you are struggling with other things, like insecurity, loneliness or a low self-esteem please contact me to find out what I could do for you.


I am registered as a member of the Nederlandse Federatie Gezondheidszorg (NFG). People who are insured for extra psychological help can have most treatments (partly) covered by their health insurance. It is important that you check with your own insurer to find out if this is possible, and how much and how many sessions are covered. If you do not have this extra insurance then you will need to self-fund your treatment, even if you have a referral from a General Practitioner.

Prices 2021 Tariff 
Introductory Interview (30 mins) No charge
Intake (60 mins) € 98
Therapy session (45 mins per session) € 82


The first session is a free introductory interview where I explain the possibilities and where you decide whether you want to follow a full therapy. If you decide to proceed we will plan an intake appointment. The intake appointment is a 60-minute interview, and incurs a cost. After this appointment we will make a treatment plan and decide how many sessions are applicable.

Contact & Location

Just use the contact form below to ask for more information or to make an appointment. You can also call me on 026-3827799. My practicing hours are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Outside of office hours you can leave a message and I will get back to you within a week. Psychologiepraktijk Borkent is located in building ‘Station 026’ which is part of the ‘Gelderse Poort’, an office park with self-employed and healthcare industry related professionals. See the contact page for a full route description (in Dutch) or click here for a link to Google Maps.

Waiting List 

Currently I have a short waiting list. In general, appointments can be made in two weeks.


The minimum age for treatment at Psychologiepraktijk Borkent is 18 years. We can refer minors to another psychologist in Arnhem.